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Welcome to Health Qlix – the Healthcare Labor Productivity and Analytics Experts

Health Qlix Incorporated provides the most innovative labor analytics, productivity and labor management solutions available to the healthcare industry.  Our critically acclaimed flagship product – LaborLytics® – provides insights into your labor resources and labor management practices that never previously existed.  LaborLytics® was designed with one purpose: to help reduce the cost of healthcare while improving quality and effectiveness.  To accomplish this LaborLytics® uniquely integrates and extends your analytics, staffing, position control, and productivity management functions to deliver the most innovative, meaningful and actionable data possible.  Health Qlix is your clear choice for achieving maximum and lasting results.

From software to consulting services to implementation services and more, Health Qlix will work with you every step of the way to help you accomplish your cost and labor management goals.


Don’t Know Where to Start?

Over the long term you need the best cost and labor analytics and labor management tools in place to reach your goals. However, it’s possible you’re just not ready for new software right now. If that’s you, there’s plenty you can still do to get started on the road to long term success – and even drive immediate savings. Our QuickFix™ and QuickFind™ services may be just what you need right now. These services are fast, affordable, and can even be offered with zero financial risk to you.

needmorestatsTried Other Solutions with Disappointing Results?

If you’ve had limited or disappointing success with analytics and productivity in the past you have a huge opportunity in front of you.  You just need the right partner and the right software.  In fact, contact us and we will share with you the 3 simple things you need to do to absolutely guarantee success.  Our QuickFire™ installation services can even get you up and running – and saving – more quickly and affordably than you ever thought possible.  It’s time to realize the promise of analytics.


Had Success but Looking for More?

Then you’ve come to the right place. There is more available to you and greater success ahead. Our truly innovative software and services will open your eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. Ask us about our QuickFire™ installation services and get immediate results. You may also be interested in our QuickFix™ and QuickFind™ services that can quickly and affordably provide some new insights into your organization previously invisible to you. And with a zero risk option, what’s stopping you?
